
Visit My New Website


Today, I'd like to invite you to visit my new website: All of the morning posts I've posted here to Wisdom For Empowered Living in the past, will now be posted to the new website. 

The new website is focused on “Authentic leadership.” My goal with the new website is to help people realize their full potential through the little lessons in everyday life. So, I would appreciate it if you'd share it with your family and friends if you feel they would enjoy reading posts that will positively enhance the way they see Themselves, GOD and Life.

Please visit, and let me know what you think. Also, Grab a copy of my new eBook: “Willpower: Discover Your Inner Strength.” This eBook is a special offer with a "Pay what you want" price. That's right, you can pay what you want - starting at $0.00. GOD Bless You!

Thank you,

Patrick Williamson


Make Use Of Your GOD-Given Power!

Take Charge Of Your Life...One Step At A Time.

You have power from GOD, today… to be in charge of your life. You won’t feel the same way every day. Sometimes, even, you might get discouraged and bogged down by life's cares. At some point in your life… when you are making progress, many people around you will not want to see you succeed. When you are dealing with "haters" and naysayers, especially, it is best that you don't waste any energy stressing or getting mad over their opinions, because no matter what you do, somebody will always have something negative to say about it. And although these type situations are inevitable in life, don’t worry; there are solutions to handling them. 

Don't let what people say... hold you back. Their negative talk should be a clear sign to you that it's the enemy at work. You should only be worried if everybody under the sun is singing your praises... because the enemy is trying to play you and set you up for failure. When he can't get to you one way, he most certainly is going to try other schemes.

Are You A Friend of GOD?

"A Man That Hath Friends Must Show Himself Friendly: And There Is A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than A Brother." ~ Proverbs 18:24

First off, just let me say something before you read this post and say it. “What am I talking about?” Well, I have a lot of questions in this post. And before you call me nosy, follow me closely… I have my reasons for asking. And that is… I want to make a clear point. Ready? [That’s the first question… Lol]

Do you have any good friends? Are you a good friend to someone else? How do you treat your friends? How do your friends treat you? Hopefully, you treat them with mutual respect and admiration.


Your Gift Will Make Room for You

We hear it all the time… the passage of scripture that says, “Your gift will make room for you.” (Proverbs 18:16). And it is certainly full of truth.  But, where do we fit in to the picture as individuals? In fact, how do we know how, when and where our gift will make room for us… if we don’t already understand what our gift is?

One of the least understood principles of success… but one of the most vital is this – your GOD-given gift will make room for you! We were each born with GOD-given gifts, talents and abilities. Our gift is the thing GOD gives us to draw us to a perfect relationship with Him… when it’s used properly. When it’s improperly used… then it draws us away from Him and closer to the ways of the enemy.

In GOD’s Eyes… You Are “Priceless”

Today's post is not one of my ordinary posts. This is more of a message for you... of hope and encouragement!

Life is what you make of it! As you go through life... you might try as best you can to follow your heart in terms of what moves you and what’s important to you. Somewhere down the line, though, you’ve probably ended up feeling like a failure… and that everything – instead of turning to gold – turned to mud. But, be encouraged… because it gets better. I can relate to how you feel. Seriously! In most cases, I’ve been there. And…..